Thursday, 5 December 2013

Session 53 Vidcast: Dragon Age Roleplaying Game

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

House Of Traps: Part 2 - CONCEPT EXPLORED

Trapsmith link 1

Trapsmith link 2

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Session 46: Dragon Age Roleplay

(AGE) Monstrous Zombie Constrictor Snake (Profile)

A 15 foot long monster, as seen in Madness In Freeport’s ‘Sunken Temple of Yig’.This is the converted creation I made into the Age system to run it for a Dragon Age group of level 9’s.

Without further ado (or a-don't doing), here's the link.

Monstrous Zombie Constrictor

Robert James Freemantle

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Rob As Writer On Dragon Age Oracle

For those of you who follow my Dragon Age series, you'll be interested perhaps to know that quite a number of the posts from this blog have also appeared on Dragon Age Oracle, a very well read DA RPG blog, that I am honoured to say I have author status on.

Go check out the latest posts there where you will see my articles too and other previous articles by fabulous writers. It's my favourite Dragon Age place.

Friday, 24 May 2013



Martin Garner and I decided to co-write an AGE module for use with our groups and share it with you guys.
Animal companions are plot centric to this module as is survival against nature as a central theme.

Hope you enjoy the opportunity to play a module that is a little different, where the land itself is as dangerous as any foe and hyper realistic survival elements come to the fore.

To save a version of this that you want, click file in the top left and choose a format to download.

See you at the table!

Please note, the version you can see isn't quite as well formatted as the version in my document page, but odd things happened via the share transition process.

New Articles Label On Blog

Dear readers/Viewers. Just a little communication to say that this blog now has a new label which can of course be accessed from the top of the page, called: Articles.
This will catalogue the articles I write that get officially published online at other places or with information about non internet article publishing, such as an ink and paper physical magazine.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Zombie Development

In the name of all things zombies I am in personal development, as and where I can find the time right now. Working a lot of other projects at this time.

As further inspiration to my RPG dev thinking I made this purchase

Monday, 13 May 2013

Dark Angels vs Necrons 1K pts: Warhammer 40,000

800th Post!

Thanks to those of you who have subscribed to the blog so far. This is a message to announce my 800th post on here!

Yikes, what a long way to have come, with a blog that is really multi-faceted in its content.
The original idea (and one I've adhered to I think) was to make the blog be a collection of every project I put my name to, sort of an online portfolio if you like -

  • Handy for me to remember what I've made so far
  • Handy for you to follow everything I've ever done or ever will (or cherry pick of it)
  • Handy for anyone interested in hiring me for whatever function (see aforementioned multi-faceted nature)

So, thanks again, for reading this my 800th post. Here's to the next 800 projects...


(the list doesn't show up as 800, but there's 800 on file here at my end...silly silliness is silly.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Gold Den Article Used On Dragon Age Oracle

My recent Gold Den article for Freeport setting usage has been used on the most excellent RPG blog 'Dragon Age Oracle'. There's behind the scenes talk of using it elsewhere next too. We'll see.

You can see the article HERE.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Rob Donations Tips Jar

Setting 'The Gold Den' Bank/Bar/Smoking Rooms For RPG

So I created this place and included it in my Dragon Age (AGE system) conversion of Freeport, but you could use this place anywhere. In Thedas I personally am having this be connected to the Carta industries and have placed it in Freeport, in the Waking Sea.

Welcome to 'The Gold Den'.

The Gold Den. A favourite haunt by sea raiders.
The place is recognisable even off the coast at night from the huge gold coin suspended as its iconic logo, with the name of the place etched into it. 
When the sun goes down, the who place begins to glow outwards into the street and night waters ahead. This is partly from the huge coin design (only a painted but shiny metal) and partly from the angular lamp lighting that bounces off the walls and floor in and around, which are painted white.

A policy exists of no bloodshed inside, therefore weapons are surrendered at the door. All who come here can count on peace as one of the few places you can find it.
Those who break the law in any way, smuggling weapons or the like are dragged into the cellars below and used as sport in the fighting cages versus whatever the establishment can dream up on that day. The policy of bloodshed below doesn't apply inside the cages. He who steps in there relinquishes all rights to protection under The Gold Den by-laws. As such, those who have already committed "crimes" and dragged there have already relinquished their rights.

While there are several naval themed drinking areas inside The Gold Den, it is not only a tavern. It also serves as an aspiring bank, run by gangsters and pirates, with vaults guarded by the most menacing of men one could ever hope to find (or hope not to!) Plunder from the seas is often deposited securely here with investments incurring interest on longstanding accounts. The bank currently has ties to only a handful of other co-operative banking outlets overseas, mainly being in pirate controlled lands.

Furthermore, there is the "smoking room", an aside place upstairs where men can come to smoke great pipes and narcotics. Narcotics and smoking weeds too are for sale at the bar.
Often, the smoke seen coming from the chimney is not that of a hearth as one might know it! However, the owners have cleverly piped the chimney through into the following building so that it escapes into the air from there.

This is however a friendly place, as long as you are one of them or can carry yourself strongly enough.

The front door gives initial access to the bank, with bouncers guarding a curtain and turnstile that leads to the drinking/smoking area behind. A back door leads out into a grimy urine soaked alleyway, that is regularly awash with pales of soapy water (just so that it can stink THIS much!) Many of the drunkards too inebriated to leave the alley at time of its inefficient cleaning schedule get soaked and angry, (angry in a cleaner way).

There is no real on site "owner'. Whatever gang/pirate outlet you have in your system will be the controlling party, with on site stooges that appear to be managers but are only there for appearance sake.
Staff are chosen for the ability to keep their mouths shut and simply listen instead of talk, speaking only when spoken to.

Vidcast Change Coming

Dorkland Interviews Green Ronin Chris Pramas

New Adventure In The Works - AGE SYSTEM

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Shola's Melted Indoor Snowman!

AGE Adventure In The Works

I have been working with Martin Garner on a project in the works that I fully intend to run in my Dragon Age RPG campaign. It's going to be called The Shadow Bloom.

This will be using the AGE system of play without any IP inclusive content for world setting etc. A standard fantasy setting. I've been in discussions with how I could make this work, as it turns out that still using the AGE system is usage of the company's owned property, the company being Green Ronin.
I am making this adventure and will playtest it with my own group, but after that whether it will see the light of day publicly is more of an unknown. This is because while GR as a company are very reasonable about freely donated projects, I would like to see at least some tiny recompense of time for the work undertaken. Just want to get a tips jar amount thing going on, as time in these my later years is a very difficult and valuable commodity indeed. After all, there are family and kids who I have to take myself away from to make projects happen and such.

If I can get something worked out, I hope to get it out there to you. Perhaps on this forum somehow.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Interview About Warpedhammer & Webcomics

I have just been recently interviewed by Robbie Hughes, a student at a Scottish university on the subject of webcomics and my personal experience creating one.
Here is the interview in full.

RH: First of all Robert thanks again on agreeing to do an interview with me. Before I ask you the questions I was wondering if you'd give me a little background on yourself to prefix the interview with, just a little bit about you, what you studied at school and what you're up to now really.

RJF: I'm Robert James Freemantle, long time miniatures war gamer and table top RPG enthusiast. I've dabbled in writing (in its many forms) and I'm a naturally creative type in all my pursuits, even to my surprise in some cases.
I did some post school education, mainly in the area of video media. From this I was inspired to run a few YouTube channels with various types of programmes on them.
Lately I have been working full time as a carer and am in the process of deciding just what order I will pitch my various ideas I work on.
I have a big interest in music for example, singing and playing guitar and have a number of song demos waiting on polish to produce them into demo form. I just need to get everything straight around me first, what with ever new family responsibilities popping up and new monetary considerations to account for. 

RH: What made you originally decide to create a webcomic and would you have ever considered working on a comic had the internet not have been a platform available to you?

RJF: I didn't really go into it planning to do a webcomic. It resulted from my fandom of Warhammer Fantasy miniatures and wanting to put my own spin on the already quite active social fan scene at the time. I came up with a good idea or two that ought to be a webcomic and as usual because no other such comic existed I felt compelled to do it myself! That's how it tends to work with my creations and that's how 'Warpedhammer' came about.
Yes I certainly would have worked on a proper ink and paper comic. In fact, I have since written a full script for a project that I can't really say too much about right now, but I'm soon going to be in the process of preparing it to pitch to the right people. If taken on, that would be a real comic mini series!

RH: Why do you think that the web became such a popular platform for comics and graphic novels?

RJF: Easy accessibility and of course largely free in its episodic format. It was just another sign of the times moving towards easy access to written works, e.g. kindle, iPad, smartphones which have revolutionised consumer choices, delivering to growing demand. 

RH: What would you say that the benefits and negatives were to working on a comic online and that platform for delivering the content?

RJF: If you are successful, you can be seen by many people easily without having to go through other people first, without having to commit to arrangements, contracts or advertising you are not comfortable with being associated to your work. You can be readily viewed on the fastest growing platform for literary availability (electronic).
Conversely, because you aren't going through an editor or even an agent come to that, your work is never really being proofed. Profits are also perhaps less guaranteed, as your reliance on advertising or whatever form of site revenue you have in place may not be as successful as a professionally PR advertised company with tons of exposure and hitting power. 
When I did 'Warpedhammer' it didn't matter so much as it was purposely niche with plenty of "insider humour" so I always knew it would have a limited audience, but that didn't stop me because I was simply clearing these ideas out of my head, doing something positive with my skills, even if it earns me nothing.
That said, I did once go into my local Games Workshop and overhear a staff member recommending to a group of players and me a webcomic called 'Warpedhammer'. I had an odd moment then where I wondered if I should tell him (laughs); I did tell him, albeit with an embarrassed shy tone.
The best thing about a webcomic is that you can sell the idea of someone reading it online for free a lot easier than you can compared to the committal purchase with cash inside the comic book store.

RH: Recently many webcomics and graphic novels have moved to tablets as a way to deliver content via online market places like iBooks, would you have considered using this platform had it been available to you at the time?

RJF: Absolutely! I might have actually made some money on it (laughs).

RH: It seems like major companies and independent writers alike are now distributing comics digitally, what are your thoughts on this new marketplace for comics? Is it a good or bad thing for the industry?

RJF: Well it is the future. It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, it's happening and it's about to become the best way of earning a large readership. However, that time is not here yet! It will only come when we are finally using a technology that is commonly more powerful in its battery life. When that happens, I do believe I will like it.
Once people can pick it up and do it when they like without fear of running out of power, the technology audience will grow to include normally non-demographics and non adopters.

It was a pleasure talking to you and I just want to leave with a big shout out to T-Man (Warpedhammer's artist), without whom I never could have created such an impressionable series for its time.

Dragon Age Player Tourney Reminder - GET INVOLVED!