Friday, 5 October 2012

Win 'Black Sepulchre' Book Dark Heresy Competition!

Welcome to the blog version of this competition to win the Black Sepulchre book. Comment on the video at YouTube to enter into the competition to win it, but also comment on here, this blog post to get a bonus entry intro the draw! Always good.

Good luck!


  1. cool and nice that you do these things :)

  2. * generic comment of approval * ^^

  3. n1njr sneaking in yet again for another chance at wining this marvelously hosted book give away! :) Yes that was a bit of wax on the proverbial surfboard as it were... >;o)

  4. I've seen the power of the blog so here I am. I like how your recyclying the book into the community rather than just putting it on a shelf to gather dust.

    On youtube my username is Inquisitor Adari.

  5. Popping over to your blog. I admire the work that goes into your videos and creative projects.

    Can you send me a picture of Craig Brown? Is horribly disfigured? I'm desperate to catch a glimpse of him.

  6. My style of GM is best summed up by this quote"I dont hate you (as in the players), I just represent people who do" :)

  7. Thanks for running this competition! It's always nice to see people promoting the Warhammer roleplaying games. Cheers!
